Ariel Pink's Haunted Grafitti "The Doldrums" press page

PAW 3 CD/LP Paw Tracks


300 dpi image of "the doldrums" front cover:



After years of recording in relative seclusion in the hills of Los Angeles , Ariel Pink (the first non-Animal Collective member on the Paw Tracks roster) makes his official Paw Tracks debut with “The Doldrums”.  Originally a handmade CD-R release a couple years back, “The Doldrums” by Ariel Pink’s Haunted Grafitti was discovered by the Animal Collective during one of their west coast tours and became an immediate favorite.

Recording at home with only a guitar, keyboard, and 8-track (the drum sounds are all unbelievably created with his vocals), Ariel Pink blends Lite FM and warped lo-fi pop into something beautiful and confusing, yet highly addictive.


- Ariel Pink is touring North America with Carpark's Signer and Greg Davis this November

- Ariel Pink will tour Europe in January with Carpark’s Signer and Panda Bear from the Animal Collective

- Check out and for more info.

- Posters and Promos available upon request


Release Date: October 11th, 2004


300dpi photos:


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Good Kids Make Bad Grown-ups

Strange Fires

Among Dreams

For Kate I Wait

Haunted Graffiti

Gray Sunset

The Doldrums

Envelopes Another Day

The Ballad of Bobby Pyn


Bonus Tracks - Vital Pink


Don't Think Twice (My Love)

Young Pilot Astray

Until The Night Dies

Theme From Unreleased "Claris Garden"


Let's Build a Campfire There